In another hours time marks the end of 2009 and the start of 2010.
I have been reflecting for the past few days and only started with this blog now.
Reflecting back 2009 , there isn't much that I have achieved except for the birth of my daugther Eva which makes me even more determine to set out goals to achieve for 2010.
There have been alot of memories in 2009. Good and bad ones each taking it's fair share.
There may have been human relationship issues which I did not manage properly. I seek those whom I have hurt to forgive me. There were also happy times which I would put it in my memory lane.
Looking forward to 2010, I have set resolutions in the following areas :
1. Family
2. Health
3. Wealth
4. Self
5. Work
Have you set your resolutions for 2010 ? If you have not, its time.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
New Chapter in my life
30 Jul 2008 marks a new chapter of my life. After waiting for 38 weeks and 6 days, my son has finally reported to this world, he was supposed to report on 7 August 2008. Some may wonder, what's the big deal, its just another baby into this world. For those who have kids would agree with me that it's another journey from marriage stage to pregnancy stage and from pregnancy stage to baby born stage ( there are many other stages behind). All these stages contained many many good and not so good memories and experiences.
When my wife was feeling contraction at the frequency of 5-7 mins, I knew my baby would be due earlier. At 2300 hrs yesterday, I brought my wife to our designated hospital , Thomson Medical Centre for admission after consulting the gynae , Dr Lawrence Ang (who happens to be a triathlete too). It took me almost 50 mins to 1 hour from being in queue waiting for my turn for admission at the counter till admission was done. ( of course all these while , my wife was already in the observation room).
After all the administrative was done, I went to look for my wife. She was having contraction every 5 mins interval and the interval got shorter at around 0200 hrs this morning. All these while, there was nothing I could do except holding her hands and console her. By this time, the nurse shifted her to the labour ward as the cervix has dilated for 4 cm (10 cm ) .
It was only until 0800hrs when the cervix had dilated to 10 cm. The nurse started to prepare my wife for labour. The pain that my wifewent through was really painful.
When my wife was feeling contraction at the frequency of 5-7 mins, I knew my baby would be due earlier. At 2300 hrs yesterday, I brought my wife to our designated hospital , Thomson Medical Centre for admission after consulting the gynae , Dr Lawrence Ang (who happens to be a triathlete too). It took me almost 50 mins to 1 hour from being in queue waiting for my turn for admission at the counter till admission was done. ( of course all these while , my wife was already in the observation room).
After all the administrative was done, I went to look for my wife. She was having contraction every 5 mins interval and the interval got shorter at around 0200 hrs this morning. All these while, there was nothing I could do except holding her hands and console her. By this time, the nurse shifted her to the labour ward as the cervix has dilated for 4 cm (10 cm ) .
It was only until 0800hrs when the cervix had dilated to 10 cm. The nurse started to prepare my wife for labour. The pain that my wifewent through was really painful.
At 0820 hrs , the nurse started to assist my wife and told her to push hard at every contraction.
By 0830 hrs , Dr Lawrence arrived to make the whole labour process smoother. He had to use a vaccum to suck the head out as it was still too far inside.
By 0840, I saw my baby's head and 1 minute later, he's finally delivered. Thanks to Dr Lawrence Ang and also the 2 nurses who helped my wife during the labour. You guys were great !
Sunday, December 9, 2007
MR 25 Time Trial
It's been raining for the whole day and i thought i had to give the time trial a miss. Luckily it stopped raining about 4 pm and I headed to MacRitchie Reservior. I had 1 objective and that's to run below 25 mins for the 5km.
When I reached there, I was surprised to see so many runners there , mostly made up of school runners. Registered myself (got a BIB no 962) , stretched and went for a warm up run. Met Brian (Gugugaga) and Penelope who were also taking the TT.
Finally at 5 pm sharp, we gathered at the start point and off we go. Those strong runners went flying ahead. I was running quite comfortably for the first 2 km and just before the u-turn point , I felt a bit of fatigue (it was only 1 week before when I finished SCSM). Due to lack of interval training, I just could not speed up after the u-turn point and just maintain the pace.
I just kept going and going until I reached the end point. 23 mins 59 sec. Phew! it's below 25 mins. Was still panting hard and this just shows how long my heart hasn't been stressed.
Managed to speak to DO for a while before heading to the toilet to wash up. It's really a great experience and I promise to do better than this for the next trial.
Ultra-marathon, here I come.
When I reached there, I was surprised to see so many runners there , mostly made up of school runners. Registered myself (got a BIB no 962) , stretched and went for a warm up run. Met Brian (Gugugaga) and Penelope who were also taking the TT.
Finally at 5 pm sharp, we gathered at the start point and off we go. Those strong runners went flying ahead. I was running quite comfortably for the first 2 km and just before the u-turn point , I felt a bit of fatigue (it was only 1 week before when I finished SCSM). Due to lack of interval training, I just could not speed up after the u-turn point and just maintain the pace.
I just kept going and going until I reached the end point. 23 mins 59 sec. Phew! it's below 25 mins. Was still panting hard and this just shows how long my heart hasn't been stressed.
Managed to speak to DO for a while before heading to the toilet to wash up. It's really a great experience and I promise to do better than this for the next trial.
Ultra-marathon, here I come.
Monday, December 3, 2007
SCSM 2007

Another marathon completed. After completing SCSM 06, i have decided to set a few goals
1.Faster timing of 4 hr 15 mins
2.Cramp free race
3.To have pictures running in style and smiles
4am : Woke up to prepare my drinks and breakfast. Meet up with Foong at 4.15am and took his car to City Hall. On the way , called Alvin (who is famous for bring late) and he's already there ! (impressive) and the carpark lots are being taken at an amazing rate.
5am : Reached Raffles City carpark. Suddenly my stomach had this sensation, queue up in the toilet at Raffles City. Finally had my business done and took a slow jog to the start line. Made my way to the under 4 hrs pent.
5.30am: "5, 4 , 3 , 2, 1 Go !" Started off quite conservative. Met Chui Chin along the way and we ran together. Took about 6-7 mins to reach the first km.
6.30am : Reached the 10km mark after 58 mins. Still on time to meet under 2 hrs for 21 km mark. Was keeping pace with Chui Chin until 18km where I slowed down for a drink.
7.30am : Reached the 21km mark after 1 hr 57 mins. Was thinking if I am able to maintain my pace, would be able to hit under 4.
8.30am: Managed to keep running until 33km where I started walking , that's when Foong over took me. By this time, alot of runners are getting cramps and applying alot of deep heat , so am i
I started to hit the wall but I told myself no matter what, I must better my timing last year.It took some walk/jog to bring me to the 38km mark.
9.30am: When I reached the 38km mark water station, I was about to start walking again till I saw the 4 hr 30 min pacer. I told myself, no matter what I must run below 4hr 30mins and cling on to the pacers tightly. At the 40km, I began to lose sight of them but I still kept my faith and carry on running at a slower pace. Along the way, I saw alot of photographers and began smiling at them
10.07am: Another 30m to reach the end point, I kept looking back to make sure no one else is beside me so that I can have a nice finishing photo. Then someone from behind sprinted and I sprinted too. That's when I began to feel my calf hardened. Shit it's cramping , I thought. But I still forced a smile across the finishing line. 4hrs 27 mins. Not too bad though despite having a flu a couple of days back. It took me 20 mins of stretching before I started to stand and walk around. Met alot of sgrunners ( roonz, sotong, BoSe, BBM, Ronnie, Bee)
It took me almost 2 hrs to met up with Foong as all my stuff were in his car and both of us had no hp with us.
Next up will be the MR 25 TT and also the Ultramarathon. Here I come !
Monday, November 26, 2007
20m shuttle stage Beep Test (24 Nov)
Went for a beep test this morning (24 Nov) to test out and also know where my fitness level is.
Reached National Stadium carpark C and saw BoSe, BabuMouse, Eijaij etc but did not talk to them until before / during and after the test , we introduced ourself.
Philip briefed on how the test works and Wildcat demonstrated.
We started with 2 levels of warming up. I was set to hit level 12 and did not think that it would be too difficult until I hit level 11 shuttle 3 and started to feel exhausted (damn!). Decided to stop at level 11 shuttle 5.
Philip gave an AAR of the results and I got 51.6 % (which is not too bad though) for my age. He also shared alot of info on carbo loading which is esp useful for SCSM this sunday. If all else fails, just remember to drink more Sarsi...
another 6 days to SCSM.... here i come....
Reached National Stadium carpark C and saw BoSe, BabuMouse, Eijaij etc but did not talk to them until before / during and after the test , we introduced ourself.
Philip briefed on how the test works and Wildcat demonstrated.
We started with 2 levels of warming up. I was set to hit level 12 and did not think that it would be too difficult until I hit level 11 shuttle 3 and started to feel exhausted (damn!). Decided to stop at level 11 shuttle 5.
Philip gave an AAR of the results and I got 51.6 % (which is not too bad though) for my age. He also shared alot of info on carbo loading which is esp useful for SCSM this sunday. If all else fails, just remember to drink more Sarsi...
another 6 days to SCSM.... here i come....
Saturday, November 3, 2007
MR 35 km (4th Nov)
It's a nice sunday morning while most people are still sleeping, I was on my way to MacRitchie Reservior for the 35km run which would be the longest run I have done for SCSM 07 training.
Though I know my own condition and mileage, I have decided to give it a go at it.
Reaching the destination, was surprised to see so many people. Only to know that the Nike Runaholic participants were there too. Got a BIB no 835 (but can't keep it) went off with the first 10km quite comfortably. The scenary was very nice and it kept me going and going. The route was indeed undulating and full of slopes. Managed to kept pace until the 18km, thereafter was feeling fatigue. Was on my way to the rifle range u-turn point and met the front few runners heading back, damn they were fast! Finally reached the rifle range u-turn point, another 11km to go.
Decided to adopt the walk/run strategy, though it was slow but it ensured that my cramps did not occur (though there were tingling feeling).
Finally after 3 hrs 44 mins , I reached the end point without cramps ! though my legs were aching. Felt very satisfied after the run ... SCSM here I come.
Though I know my own condition and mileage, I have decided to give it a go at it.
Reaching the destination, was surprised to see so many people. Only to know that the Nike Runaholic participants were there too. Got a BIB no 835 (but can't keep it) went off with the first 10km quite comfortably. The scenary was very nice and it kept me going and going. The route was indeed undulating and full of slopes. Managed to kept pace until the 18km, thereafter was feeling fatigue. Was on my way to the rifle range u-turn point and met the front few runners heading back, damn they were fast! Finally reached the rifle range u-turn point, another 11km to go.
Decided to adopt the walk/run strategy, though it was slow but it ensured that my cramps did not occur (though there were tingling feeling).
Finally after 3 hrs 44 mins , I reached the end point without cramps ! though my legs were aching. Felt very satisfied after the run ... SCSM here I come.
Monday, October 29, 2007
New Balance Real Run 2007 (15km)

Another run done. Though it's only 15km (with 1km sand + 1km trail + 1 km runway), I felt satisfied with not much training done due to work commitment for the past 2 weeks.
The first 3km was quite comfortable pace except for running around the walking party. There was this particular X-men suited guy who overtook me whilst I was also overtaking and cliped my legs. He still has the cheek to say : I was following behind you and you just overtake like that !" I was thinking : Do I need to give signal and why can't you slow down since there are not much space to overtake." I felt so ashame being a singaporean , so what if you can run fast but your ethics are not there.
This being aside, I was telling myself to keep at 5 min /km pace and I managed to do it till the 11km. When I reached the sand , I could feel myself slowing down and those that I have overtaken , started to run past me.

When I was on the road back to the runway, it seemed never-ending which proves to be demoralising. Then I saw this boy (around 15 yo) who ran past me walking, I ran up to him and say: Let's go" and he said : ok". with that , I ran the last 2km with this young boy and started to chat with him. When I reached the 14km mark , I was very tempted to walk , at the same time, the fact that I told the young boy to keep running, I should not stop to walk and this kept me going and going.
The first 3km was quite comfortable pace except for running around the walking party. There was this particular X-men suited guy who overtook me whilst I was also overtaking and cliped my legs. He still has the cheek to say : I was following behind you and you just overtake like that !" I was thinking : Do I need to give signal and why can't you slow down since there are not much space to overtake." I felt so ashame being a singaporean , so what if you can run fast but your ethics are not there.
This being aside, I was telling myself to keep at 5 min /km pace and I managed to do it till the 11km. When I reached the sand , I could feel myself slowing down and those that I have overtaken , started to run past me.

When I was on the road back to the runway, it seemed never-ending which proves to be demoralising. Then I saw this boy (around 15 yo) who ran past me walking, I ran up to him and say: Let's go" and he said : ok". with that , I ran the last 2km with this young boy and started to chat with him. When I reached the 14km mark , I was very tempted to walk , at the same time, the fact that I told the young boy to keep running, I should not stop to walk and this kept me going and going.

(Results : 158 out of 2441 who completed.
1st CP : 29.34
2nd CP: 57.12
Finish : 1 hr 17 m 53 s)
Now back to my SCSM training. Set a target of finishing by 4 hour 15 min. With the kind of timing for 15km , I have lotsa of catch up to do.
1st CP : 29.34
2nd CP: 57.12
Finish : 1 hr 17 m 53 s)
Now back to my SCSM training. Set a target of finishing by 4 hour 15 min. With the kind of timing for 15km , I have lotsa of catch up to do.
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